
My creative roots stem from my childhood garden. A makeshift workshop behind the conifers where I’d spend the day digging, collecting, making and surrounding myself with an exhibit of my own creations and found treasures. 

I graduated from Wimbledon School of Art (University of the Arts, London) in 2009 and today, I continue to satisfy my hunger for the hand-crafted through a variety of disciplines. I’m a painter, a designer, and most recently a metalsmith, reacquainting myself with the goldsmithing skills I learnt many moons ago. 

The core of my inspiration resides in the textures, tastes, and smells of the natural world. The remnants of a campfire, dew droplets in a meadow, the dawn chorus. Visceral sensations that remind us of our origins and stop us in our tracks. These are the paths that my hands follow, keeping me in touch with those primordial senses, and slowly pathing my way back to the garden.

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